Title: Round 5, Ultimate Collector Series 06, Matt "The Terror" Serra, UFC 69 Championship Edition Product Description:Celebrate Matt Serra's iconic UFC 69 victory with this...
Title: Round 5, Ultimate Collector Series 06, Gray "The Bully" Maynard Product Description:Bring home UFC legend Gray "The Bully" Maynard with this highly detailed collector's...
Title: Round 5, Ultimate Collector Series 05, Shane "The Engineer" Carwin Product Description:Bring the heat with this Shane "The Engineer" Carwin figure from Round 5's...
Title: Wastelanders: Doom #1, 2nd Appearance of Sofia Strange, Marvel '22 Comic Description: Wastelanders: Doom #1 follows Doctor Doom as he continues to rule the...
Title: Wastelanders: Hawkeye #1, Marvel '22 Comic Description: Wastelanders: Hawkeye #1 reveals the untold story of Clint Barton's training with Stick, the former Daredevil. Despite...
Title: Wastelanders: Star-Lord #1, Marvel '22 Comic Description: Wastelanders: Star-Lord #1 sees Peter Quill return to a post-apocalyptic Earth, where heroes have fallen and villains...
Title: Wastelanders: Wolverine #1, 1st Appearance of Downfall, Marvel '22 Comic Description: Wastelanders: Wolverine #1 takes place in the brutal aftermath of Old Man Logan....
Title: The Joker Vol.2 #2H 2nd Print, 1st Appearance of Vengeance, 1st Team Appearance of the Sampson family, DC '21 Comic Description: In The Joker...
Title: The Joker Vol.2 #2A, 1st Appearance of Vengeance, 1st Team Appearance of the Sampson family, DC '21 Comic Description: In The Joker Vol.2 #2A,...
Title: Spawn #309B, Todd McFarlane Cover, 1st Appearance of a New Gunslinger Spawn, Image '20 Comic Description: Spawn #309B, with a cover by Todd McFarlane,...
Title: Spawn #300S 3rd Printing, 1st Cameo Appearance of She-Spawn, Image '19 Comic Description: Spawn #300S marks a historic milestone as the longest-running independent comic...
Title: Superman Vol. 2 #4, 1st Appearance of Bloodsport, DC '87 Comic Description: In Superman Vol. 2 #4, the deadly Bloodsport makes his first appearance,...
Title: Far Sector #1A, 1st Appearance of Green Lantern (Sojourner "Jo" Mullein), DC '19 Comic Description: In Far Sector #1A, acclaimed sci-fi author N.K. Jemisin...
Title: Round 5, Ultimate Collector Series 04, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson Product Description:Get ready to unleash the power with this Quinton "Rampage" Jackson figure from Round...
Title: Round 5, Ultimate Collector Series 04, Brock Lesnar Product Description:Step into the ring with this incredible Brock Lesnar figure from Round 5's Ultimate Collector...
Title: Round 5, Ultimate Collector Series 03, Wanderlei "The Axe Murderer" Silva, Pride Chase Edition Product Description:Capture the legendary ferocity of Wanderlei Silva with this...
Title: Round 5, Ultimate Collector Series 03, Rich "Ace" Franklin Product Description:Celebrate the legacy of Rich "Ace" Franklin with this Ultimate Collector Series figure! A...
Title: Count Draco Knuckleduster #1, Black Caravan '21 Comic Description: Count Draco Knuckleduster #1 brings readers into a retro-futuristic world where the nefarious Count Draco...